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Upcoming Biomed Seminars for 2004

As a service to the community of laboratorians, Biomed Systems offers an ongoing program of educational seminars that explores current topics in Hematology and laboratory science.Biomed's mission is to provide practical information on current technologies, while keeping the cost as low as possible.

DateName and Place
Aug 8Lowering Laboratory Costs of Hematology Procedures
Diamond Laboratories, Borivali


Find out Whats Happening at  Biomed ...
Find out whats happening at Biomed and Indian Diagnostic Industry..

Biomed's 1st MAXM installed in Mumbai ! (20/5/04)

Reagent Connectors for Advia 60 Launched ( 24/01/04)

Hematology Training Held for Biomed Engineers (14/02/04)